Pj Masks Catboy Does It Again

"Catboy Does Information technology Once more"
Season two, episode 3B
(Overall episode #58)
Catboy Does It Again Card.png
Premiere appointment

United States of America United states of America

Jan 26, 2018

Canada Canada

January 8, 2021 (CBC Kids)
Written by Christian De Vita
Directed past Christian De Vita
Viewer count (millions) TBA
Episode Guide
"Night of the Cat"
"Terrible Two-Some"

"Catboy Does It Again" (also known equally "Yoyo et le Rembobinateur" in French) is the second segment of the 3rd Season 2 episode of PJ Masks.


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Characters
  • iii Synopsis
  • 4 Moral/Lesson
  • 5 Trivia


Romeo reveals his latest invention, the Rewind-O-Ray, which can put everything and everyone into reverse (though it has a glitch that it tends to pause whatever it's used on). When the PJ Masks effort to stop him, Romeo simply rewinds them back to HQ every time they show up. Worse: Romeo intends to eventually rewind the PJ Masks to a fourth dimension before they became heroes, one time he manages to fix the glitch.


The following characters appeared in the episode "Catboy Does It Again":

  • Catboy
  • Owlette
  • Gekko
  • Romeo
  • Robot
  • Marie
  • Peter
  • Aisle Cat


The episode begins at the museum where Connor, Amaya, and Greg have just finished exploring the new space shuttle exhibit. Of a sudden, they discover that everything is moving backwards. In addition, some of the things break where they are for a few seconds before they keep normally once more. Later that night, the PJ Pic Player picks upwardly Romeo's Lab by the museum. Catboy starts running to the Cat-Car, though Owlette and Gekko stay behind. They accept to come across what Romeo is doing first before they jump in. Catboy waits, but merely for a few seconds. He takes off to the Cat-Car, and Owlette and Gekko eventually decide to join him.

The PJ Masks get in at the museum and hunker downwards backside the bushes. Romeo is making some adjustments on a new remote. He activates information technology when he points information technology at a flock of pigeons, but they pause when they move backwards. He hits it and reactivates it, and the pigeons continue flying in the same management. Romeo makes some more adjustments on his remote, and then points information technology at a cat. Catboy is shocked about what he is doing and jumps out of the bushes to cease him, much to Owlette and Gekko's dismay.

Romeo commands Robot to keep the PJ Masks abroad while he works on fixing the remote. At this point, Owlette and Gekko also exit of the bushes. Robot throws a couple of trash cans and tries to catch them, though they easily deflect them and defeat him. They then run towards Romeo, but one time he hits his invention a couple of times, points it at them, and activates it, they get zapped and rewind back to the spot where they brainstorm to bound out and pause.

Romeo introduces his new invention: the Rewind-O-Ray, which can rewind anything he points information technology at. All the same, in that location is a glitch on the remote that causes everything to pause, so he is in the procedure of fixing it. One time completed, though, he can zap the PJ Masks to rewind them back to the fourth dimension before they became heroes and so they won't stop him from taking over the earth. Until then, he activates the invention after a few hits, and the PJ Masks rewind dorsum to the Cat-Auto and into headquarters.

Catboy becomes furious at what happened and declares to get dorsum to the museum and stop Romeo. Owlette and Gekko refuse to, since that was the reason why they have ended up back at HQ. They ask Catboy why he had jumped in when there was no plan, knowing that they should stick together. He just reasons that he had to end Romeo from zapping the true cat, and declares that they should go right now.

The PJ Masks return to the museum and jump out in front of Romeo and Robot. Robot grabs Owlette and Gekko and places them in the trash. Catboy runs towards Romeo to finish him, despite his teammates warning him to stop. He gets zapped, and the PJ Masks get stuck together equally he crashes into them when he rewinds. Romeo then hits the remote, and the squad rewinds back to the Cat-Car and return to headquarters.

Catboy prepares to take off again, promising that they volition stop Romeo this time. Nevertheless, Owlette and Gekko reply that "rushing in has non helped," and that they should recollect of another programme to finish him, especially since they had never dealt with an invention like the Rewind-O-Ray before. Catboy pushes this off, unfortunately, fearing that Romeo might finish fixing his invention earlier they tin can come up up with a new plan. He runs off, and Owlette and Gekko slowly join aslope him. Presently, every bit the night goes on, the same results keep occurring equally the PJ Masks continue jumping in.

Later on many failed attempts, Owlette and Gekko tell Catboy that he keeps repeating the aforementioned thing over and over each time. He should "slow down and call up clearly," especially since, co-ordinate to him, he thinks with his legs. It is the main reason why Romeo keeps zapping them. If they continue doing this, and the villain fixes his remote, and then the PJ Masks will be finished for skilful. Giving this a thought, Catboy finally complies, and his teammates tell him what their plan is.

Robot is on the watch for the PJ Masks as Romeo is finishing fixing his remote. He attempts to catch Catboy when he arrives at the scene, though he spins him around using his Super Cat Speed. Catboy then leaps towards Romeo, who is already finished making the adjustments on his invention. He zaps him to intermission him, and mocks him most repeating the same mistake over and over. Catboy begins to take his defeat. He comments how Romeo is really smart, and how he is the best out of all of the villains that the PJ Masks have fought throughout their missions. Romeo is flattered by his remarks, just becomes suspicious when Catboy is talking more usual, and the others are nowhere to be seen.

It reveals that Gekko was on pinnacle of the museum and Owlette was hiding behind another building while Catboy was decorated complimenting Romeo. Gekko uses his Super Gekko Camouflage to clamber towards the trash cans. He throws the trash loftier in the air for Owlette to blow onto Romeo and Robot, and placing a banana peel backside Romeo, he scares him. Romeo slips on the banana peel, and Robot slips on one too as he tries to save him. The remote falls from his easily, which enables it to unpause Catboy.

Catboy grabs the remote and throws it to Gekko, who then points it towards Romeo. He gets zapped and rewinded correct into a trash can that Catboy pushes out behind him. Catboy explains that the PJ Masks came upwardly with another plan to end Romeo by using his Rewind-O-Ray against him, and it worked. Romeo begins to accept his defeat; nevertheless, Gekko activates the remote on him and so he can hear what he said again. The villain repeats the aforementioned actions, catastrophe with him accepting his defeat. Romeo so rapidly retreats in the lab with Robot in tow, and states that this is not the last time the PJ Masks volition run across him. The squad proclaims their signature victory phrase.

The adjacent solar day, Connor catches Amaya and Greg at the museum, who walk backwards down the stairs. They reveal that information technology was a joke, and the iii kids express mirth together, catastrophe the episode.


  • You shouldn't merely leap into action or make the same mistakes more than than once (think twice before y'all human activity).


  • Romeo introduces his Rewind-O-Ray.
  • The championship of the episode can refer to both Romeo's invention, which causes the PJ Masks to relive the same moment over and over, and the fact that this isn't the starting time time Catboy has to larn not to rush things.
  • Romeo said "You win this time, PJ Masks!" twice.
  • This is the 2nd time none of the PJ Masks say "It's time to be a hero!" or "Time to be a hero!".
    • The commencement fourth dimension none of the PJ Masks says either of those lines was in "Moonfizzle Assurance."
  • Catboy purposely getting afflicted by Romeo'southward Rewind-O-Ray as office of a plan to beat the villain is similar to Ladybug purposely letting Cat Noir get affected by Backwarder to defeat her in the Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and True cat Noir episode "Backwarder."
    • Additionally, both villains were causing things to go backwards in fourth dimension, only Romeo could pause things.

Episode list

Season one

| Arraign it on the Train, Owlette | Catboy's Cloudy Crisis | Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip | Catboy and the Pogo Dozer | Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos | Owlette'southward Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble | Catboy and the Shrinker | Owlette and the Moon-Ball | Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade | Owlette the Winner | Speak Up, Gekko! | Catboy and Master Fang'south Sword | Catboy VS. Robo-True cat | Owlette and the Giving Owl | Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue | Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus | Looking After Gekko | Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino | Catboy's Tricky Ticket | Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile | Catboy'due south Flying Fiasco | Gekko's Stay-at-Dwelling Sneezes | Gekko Saves Christmas | Gekko's Prissy Ice Programme | Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem | Clumsy Catboy | Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage | Owlette's Feathered Friend | Owlette and the Battling Headquarters | Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum | Catboy Takes Control | Owlette's Ii Wrongs | Gekko Floats | Catboy's Ii-Wheeled Wonder | Catboy's Great Gig | Owlette'south New Movement | Supersonic Owlette | Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot | Owlette of a Kind | Beat out the Drum, Catboy | Catboy Squared | Gekko'southward Super Gekko Sense | Owlette and the Owletteenies | Gekko's Blame Campaign | Owlette and the Moonflower | Slowpoke Gekko | Catboy and the Lunar Dome | Gekko and the Stone of All Power | Super-Sized Gekko | Have to the Skies, Owlette | Dull Downward, Catboy! | Gekko's Special Rock |

Flavour 2

| Moonfizzle Balls | Soccer Ninjalinos | Lionel-Saurus | Catboy'southward Cuddly | Nighttime of the True cat | Catboy Does It Over again | Terrible Two-Some | Owlette's Luna Trouble | Ninja Moths | Who'due south Got the Owl Power? | PJ Pinball | Bounce-a-Tron | Wacky Floats | Romeo's Disguise | PJ Robot | PJ Power Up | Moonstruck: Race to the Moon | Moonstruck: Lunar Fortress | Robot's Pet Cat | Gekko, Master of the Deep | May the All-time Ability Win | Moonbreaker | Race Upwardly Mystery Mountain | The Mountain Prisoner | The Wolfy Kids | Wolf-O-Saurus | Catboy No More | Gekko Vs. the Splatcano | Meet Armadylan | Invisible Owlette | Wolfy Mount | Romeo's Crystal Clear Programme | Nobody's Sidekick | Armadylan Menace | Ability Pondweed | Owlette Comes Make clean | Halloween Tricksters | The Wolfies Take HQ | The Good Wolfy | The Wolfy Plan | The Cadger Theft | PJ Dylan | Armadylan'd and Dangerous | Romeo's Activity Toys | The Dragon Gong | Flight of the Ninja | Romeocoaster | Gekko and the Opposite Ray | PJ Masks Vs. Bad Guys United | Easter Wolfies | Luna and the Wolfies |

Flavor three

| Moon Madness | Armadylan and Robette Rule | Armadylan Zen | Way of the Woofy | Werejalinos | PJ Comet | Glowy Moths | Teacher Goes Ninja | Robot Goes Wrong | Lionel'south Powers | Best Friends Forever | Meet An Yu | The Moon Prix | Pirates Ahoy! | The Secret of the Pagoda | Storm of the Ninja | Arma-Leader | Owlette Slips Upwardly | The Splat Monster | Moth on the Moon | Wing Me To The Moon | Luna's Cosmic Tantrum | Motsuki The All-time | Wheels of a Hero | Moonwolfy | Clash on Mystery Mountain | A Teeny Weeny Problem | Have Romeo Off The Route | Mission: PJ Seeker | Wolfy Powers | Do The Gekko | Armadylan, Action Hero | Super Muscles Show Off | The Prank Wheelz | Where'southward The Wolf Wheelz? | Villain of the Heaven | Protector of the Sky | The PJ Masks Save Christmas | Romeo'southward Melody | PJ Robot Takes Control | PJ Sky Pirates | The Disappearing Ninjas | Gekko Everywhere | Gekko Takes Charge | Big Sister Motsuki | PJ Party Crasher | Master of the Moat | PJ Robot Vs Romeo |

Flavour 4

| Heroes of the Sky | Who Allow the Moths In? | Commander Meow | Motsuki's Missing Sis | Non so Ninja | PJ Party Mountain | Wolfies of the Pagoda | Master Fang's Clandestine | Aerodylan | Asteroid Accident | All Well-nigh Asteroids | Romeo'southward Space Automobile | Newton and the Ninjas | Missing Space Rock | Flight Factory Out of Control | Munki-gu | Munki-gu in the City | Mission Munki-gu | Legend of the Wolfy Bone | Gekko Vs Armavillain | Super Super Cat Speed | Munki-gu'southward Dragon | Gekko Loves Lionel | Octobella | Octo-Trouble | Star Buddies | To the Moon and Back | Magnet in the Moat | Motsuki Bugs Out | Octobella'southward Garden | Sploshy Splash | Teeny Weeny Returns | Robo-Wolf | The Labours of Armadylan | Lost in Space | The Power of Monkey Churr | The Secret of Monkey Goodness | Pharaoh Boy | Past My Pharaoh Feathers | Pharaoh'southward Chariot | PJ Robot Malfunction | The Mysterious Masks | Battle Of The Fangs | Catboy'southward Cat | Mad With Moon Ability | Pharaoh and The Ninjalinos | Pharaoh's Boomerangs | Bubbles Of Badness |

Flavor 5

| Ninja Power Up | Luna Goes Too Far | Owly Tricks | Newton The Destructor | Luna Kazoomer | Baddie Bots | Newton and the Animals | Octobella Strikes Over again | Octobella on the Loose | Teeny Weeny to the Rescue | Invisible Munki-Gu | Orticia Blooms | Orticia and the Pumpkins | Pirate Robot | Owlette, the Pirate Queen | Catboy's Magic Play tricks | Gekko The Croc | The Camping ground Trip | Pondweed Political party | A Percival Trouble | Luna Girl'south Sleepover | Dragon Trip the light fantastic toe | An Yu and the Cave Stones | Midnight Snack Attack | Voyage of the Golden Asteroid | Carly and Cartoka | PJ Riders | Flashcar in the Sky |

Season 6

To be announced.


| Super Cat Speed | Super Gekko Muscles | Owl Eyes | Reinvention | Moth'south Solar day | Super Moves Trip the light fantastic toe Party | Super Gekko Camouflage | Teamwork | All Skills | Decision | Gekko Improvises | Super Singing Heroes | Squad Dark Ninja | Super Cat Ears | Owlette Improvises | A Job For All | Bravery | Catboy Improvises | Taking Turns | Training with the PJ Masks | Moon Rocked | Play Date on the Moon | Space Race | True cat-Machine Chaos | Gekko-Mobile Mischief | Robots Wash Upwards | Owl-Glider Gliding | Armadylan Style | Wolfy Garden | Bye Good day Bad Luna | Catboy Power Up | Owlette Power Up | Gekko Power Up | Masters of the Mount | Moon Cuddly | The PJ Rovers | PJ Racing | An Yu's Bird Rescue | PJ Masks Surprise | Ninjability | HQ Tour | Minding Motsuki | Information technology's A PJ Masks Christmas | Learning the Planets |


Source: https://pj-masks.fandom.com/wiki/Catboy_Does_It_Again

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